User talk:Luis Dantas
hi, sorry for interruption, could you please see to the NPOV of exclusion of Brazil from this article. It was there until a month ago, and some guys keep excluding South America and Brazil from what I believe is its just place (and I am not alone, since these previous edits were there long before, to include Brazil). thanks Perroot 21:54, 30 November 2005 (UTC) --- Hello Luis, welcome to Wikipedia. Here's some tips:
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I hope you enjoy editing here and being a Wikipedian! Angela. 02:07, Feb 3, 2004 (UTC)
Hi, I admire your articulate discourse on Talk:Violence against Israelis and wish at times I had your patience and eloquence. Viajero 13:04, 10 Feb 2004 (UTC)
Hi Luis! You definitely do not need admin privilegies to revert a page. You simply click on "Page history" then you click on the date of the version that you wish to revert to. Then "Edit this page" and "Save page" and voila! But personally, I wouldn't bother. Trolls like him comes and goes. Sooner or later he will realise that he cannot permanently damage the project and will leave. He is not worth getting upset about. :) BL 13:53, Feb 22, 2004 (UTC)
Luis, thanks for ur creation of the cult media wiki. Andries 15:58, 28 Feb 2004 (UTC)
By the way, I have doubts about including Osho/Rajneesh including to the purported cults because the there seems to be no strong hierachical movement anymore but I may be mistaken. I do agree that his teachings can be destructive. A colleague told me that she was the sole survivor of a group of 20 people who originally lived in the pre USA ashram in Pune. Andries 15:58, 28 Feb 2004 (UTC)
I've just been reading your debate over at the talk page for Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2004. When I look at your contributions, I see statements that I would regard as morally bankrupt. You seem to avoid answering the question as to whether Palestinian suicide bombers murdering Israelis constitutes acts of terrorism. You also seem to deliberately dodge the issue over Penta's definition of terrorism.
- Really? I hoped to have made myself clear already, but since you insist - I really don't see any moral deficiency on my stand; suicide bombers are probably not terrorists (since they are after all denying themselves any benefit from their acts); terrorism is too loaded a word (both politically and emotionally) to be of any real objective use anyway except as a pejorative. For wikipedia use it is undesirable and very close to useless, since it completely undercuts the goal of NPOV. Penta's definition is useless and undesirable and I said so in no unclear terms - it relies too much on arguable technical details with no real meaning in order to make some things "not terrorism". I don't want to endorse such patently political definitions of such a powerful word that involves criminal acts. Luis Dantas 02:02, 18 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Now, just to let you know, I consider Palestinian suicide bombings that kill Israeli civilians as terrorism. I consider what happened in Madrid last week terrorism. I consider 9/11 terrorism. I consider that Jewish guy who massacred 29 Arabs ten years ago to be a terrorist. I actually subscribe to Penta's definition.
Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade are not state actors.
- What difference would it make if they were? What difference does it make that Israel is considered a state when it destroys Palestinian houses? Luis Dantas 02:02, 18 Mar 2004 (UTC)
The Palestinian Authority does not directly engage in terrorism so that particular dodge of Penta's definition doesn't hold up.
- So what? Penta's definition, as I said, is too custom-made to be seriously considered in general use. Luis Dantas 02:02, 18 Mar 2004 (UTC)
So, do you believe that Palestinians murdering Israeli civilians is terrorism? David Newton 08:27, 17 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- I don't really care whether it is terrorism or not. Terrorism is defined by the expectations of the people who describe the act, not by the act itself and certainly not by the belief of the perpectrator himself. In the end of the day death is death, violence is violence, and terrorism is just a word all too often twisted to further political agendas. I want no part in that. To act otherwise would be a most morally bankrupt and repreensible behavior of my part. Have I made myself clear now? Luis Dantas 02:02, 18 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- Terrorism is certainly defined by the act itself. 9/11 is terrorism whatever people may say. The IRA blowing up London is terrorism whatever people may say. McVeigh's demolition job in Oklahoma is terrorism whatever people may say. Shi'as getting mown down in Iraq by explosions during religious festivals is terrorism whatever people may say.
- That is simply not true, not even remotely close to true. Sorry to disappoint you. Luis Dantas 03:25, 18 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- You have a fundamental misunderstanding of international law if you think that terrorism is defined by the expectations of the people who describe the act.
- Maybe I do. Then again, how would you know? Who defines that international law? Who agreed to it? Why am I expected to recognize it? Who else does? Unless you have very good answers to these and other questions you are just wasting my time trying to prove a substanceless point. Luis Dantas 03:25, 18 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- My Lai was not terrorism. It was murder and it was a war crime, but it was not terrorism. Madrid last week was terrorism. I would also classify it was a war crime, since I believe we are at war, and have been for over two and a half years. Blowing up Palestinian terrorists with Hellfires fired from Apaches is not murder nor a war crime nor terrorism if reasonable precautions are taken. If the force used is of a reasonable level, and if civilians are not targetted then such actions are perfectly legal. On the other hand, using artillery to level Gaza City would be a war crime, but still not terrorism.
- Good for you, I suppose. Once again, let me tell you that there is no real point to using the word at all other than instilling feelings of hate. Death is death, political motivation is political motivation. Using labels such as "terrorism" lends the situation an appearance of clarity and one-sidedness that has no real meaning at all. Luis Dantas
- Terrorism is the application of illegal force by non-state actors
- Strike one: "non-state" means "those that I don't recognize as states". Pretty arbitrary, really. Even more so if Israel/Palestine is involved. Luis Dantas
- to achieve a particular objective.
- Strike two: violence rarely makes clear sense. It is risky at least to claim to know the "objectives" of a violent act. Not to mention that most real life actions have several goals instead of just one. Luis Dantas
- States can support terrorist groups, but states themselves cannot engage in terrorism.
- By some definitions of the word anyway. Myself, I would rather not toy with such serious matters and dabble so deep in hipocrisy. Killing is killing, plain and simple, no amount of clever wording changes that. And as I already explained, the concept of "state" is itself quite artificial. You have _no chance at all_ of convincing me by going that way. Luis Dantas
- I use illegal force in its Geneva and Hague Convention sense, ie force that does not comply with the four rules set down in the Hague Conventions. A guerilla group blowing up an army convoy is not terrorism so long as said guerilla group follows the four rules. The moment that said guerilla group deliberately targets civilians or otherwise breaks the laws and customs of war, it becomes terrorism. David Newton 03:05, 18 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- Much as I respect the intent behing the Geneva convention, the emotional results of misuse of words such as "terrorism" is much too serious to be overlooked. That settles the matter for me, for reasons that hopefully are twice clear already. Luis Dantas 03:25, 18 Mar 2004 (UTC)
[edit]Gladly. Proper atheism suggests that one can know if God exists, and further claims that God does not exist. Not only is this unscientific and patent nonsense, but it is also the exact error which atheists attempt to accuse believers of, namely of taking such matters on faith. I must mention that many believers (myself included) take nothing on faith, and rather have certain proof of God, generally received thru personal revelation and/or agreement w one of these Arguments for the existence of God. Of course there is "weak atheism" but that is irrelevant to me, as it is simply a case of mislabeled agnosticism. Agnosticism BTW is not something easy to disprove, and is best remedied by personal revelation. Some of the arguments for God might be persuasive, and indoctrination early on can help as well, but truthfully agnosticism in many ways is a reasonable response to lack of personal revelation. P.S. you may find this chart helpful [1]. Cheers, Sam Spade 18:30, 25 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- Thanks for your comments, Sam. While I agree on many of your points, others fail to convince me. Strong atheism is indeed unscientific (just as much so as theism, in fact) but that does not invalidate it, since there are IMNSHO very good arguments against the existence of god - in fact much better arguments than those for its existence - of which I feel Theodicy to be the most compelling. So it is a phylosophical stance instead of a scientific one, but not a flawed one. If we accept personal revelation as proof of God then we must accept either "atheistic revelation" (something that has been reported in reality!) or the lack of any revelation as proof for atheism as well. I feel that in the end the choice between theism and atheism turns out to be solvable not by logic but by aestethics. Luis Dantas 19:35, 25 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Perhaps you might misunderstand, I did not mean to focus on someone elses personal revelation, but rather personal revelation from God, within our own heart. What you might mean by "atheistic revelation" would need a great deal of clarification, since atheism is the opposite of revelation, being the rejection of truth, rather than an embrace or understanding of it.
- Atheism is about rejecting the idea of a god, not "truth". Strange as it may seem, I have heard accounts that basically say that God revealed himself to a few people and explained to them that he is not for real. And yes, I do take them very seriously. Luis Dantas
So that you have an idea where I am coming from, my beliefs can variously be described as pantheistic or panentheistic and are embracing of sanatana dharma. It is amusing that you would mention theodicy, have you by any chance reviewed this? My quick, easy, and painless response is karma.
- I will review it, but from where I come (that being a strictly strong atheist perspective with Buddhist overtones) karma is basically incompatible with the idea of an Abrahamic god. As is logic, for that matter. Luis Dantas
BTW logic clearly leads us to theism, try making a list of pros and cons of being a theist, and get back to me on how its a matter mainly of aestethics ;).
- All right then:
- better social acceptance
- reliance on basically unintelligible entities
- temptation of renouncing responsibility for one's own decisions
- strong tendency for living through disappointments
- difficulty in dealing with evidence of the universe's indifference for one's well being (or lack of it)
- for many people, theistic belief is also a hazzard for moral development
Luis Dantas 01:03, 26 Mar 2004 (UTC)
The health and financial benefits alone... You might say that you choose not to Appeal to consequences, but I'd challenge you to suggest it isn't the pragmatic thing to do.
- It really is not a big deal, I will state it plainly right now: believing in a god of any kind is both counter-productive (for many people at least) and not at all pragmatic, at least as far as I can see. Is this some sort of variation on Pascal's Wager? I will freely grant that there are many people who _have_ an emotional need for theistic belief and indeed are better of with it. I suspect that once cultural influence is accounted for those people will not amount to even a sizeable minority, however. Luis Dantas 01:03, 26 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Glad to find you communicating politely, something sadly rare in regards to such subjects. Sam Spade 21:24, 25 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- My pleasure. I can't very well justify being harsh with you just for believing in god, much less when I am asking for your feedback.
Best, Luis Dantas
- My God is Truth (he's every thing else too). I don't accept any doctrine of any kind which defies logic, karma, or any other basic laws of nature ;). I am suprised to hear you say you are "a strictly strong atheist". You must have more faith than a dozen churches, and a heck of alot more than me, since I don't have any ;). Hope? sure, but never faith. My guess is that along with most non-believers, you have rejected the same joke God I likewise reject, an angry sandle-wearing space jew atop a cloud, perhaps occaisionally hurling lightening bolts. That sort of foolishness has nothing to do with knowledge of God or his laws. Take a look at this article on atman to get another perspective on what I'm talking about. Sam Spade 03:12, 26 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- What a rewarding exchange. See, that is why I described the matter as mainly aestethic a few paragraphs ago. AFAIK, there is not much difference between a belief that involves an all-encompassing Atman and another that involves Anatta (namely Sanatana Dharma and Buddha Dharma other than one of language, of artistic preference. I will venture to say that it all boils down to you believing that there is an underlying purpose behind all while I would rather assume that there is no such purpose, yet we have the means to build one - from the ground up if need be. May I ask why are you surprised that I am a strong atheist? I have been defending atheism as logical after all. As for faith, yes, I must agree that I have a fair lot of it (although hardly enough to meet your charming exageration). That does not trouble me at all; atheists are the people with the most afinity for true faith IMNSHO, since after all we need it perhaps more than anyone else (there is no higher purpose to spare us). I don't think I agree on you lacking faith though. Luis Dantas 03:59, 26 Mar 2004 (UTC)
You go straight to the heart of what divides Buddhism from Hinduism. Even if a buddhist believes in God, he gives God little focus. A hindu on the other hand focuses almost entirely on God (at least one of his incarnations).
- So far I concur.
It also brings up the differences between Bodhisattva and Arhat. Both are enlightened, but one chooses altruism, the other dissipation.
- That is a popular interpretation, but I don't think it adds up. I don't think someone who chooses dissipation can be considered enlightned by any reasonable definition of the word. Luis Dantas
As far as strong atheism, I don't believe in it :). I assume you to be a jaded agnostic/anti-theist, but true rejection of God is too disturbing for me to conceive of, and as we have discussed, Strong atheism is unscientific.
- What can I say? I am fairly sure that I do exist, and just as certain that I am indeed a strong atheist. Although I would not say that I reject god - I just refuse to accept the concept, which is not at all the same thing. My take on the matter is that atheism (and for that matter theism) are emotional stances, never scientific ones. Agnosticism is more rational than either, but I don't think it is really possible for a human being to be neither theistic nor atheistic - so all agnostics IMO would turn out to also be theists or atheists. I will leave others to decide if I am jaded and/or anti-theist. I would like to think otherwise. Luis Dantas
Since you seem otherwise rational, why abandon science and reason on this one subject alone? Sam Spade 04:15, 26 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- It is not that I abandon them. It is just that they don't reach this particular question, and probably won't ever. Then again I feel that there is plenty enough evidence from the social sciences and psychology to strongly hint that theistic religion is just a psychological and social tool for emotional development.
I agree with you about arhat, Two vehicles is an interesting article on the subject. If you define theism as opposition to logic, I too am atheist by that definition. I would say that anytime religion and science move apart, they falter. Sanatana dharma is often refered to as the science of consciousness, and I would say rightly so. IMO you define God in a way which I likewise reject. Did you ever get a chance to review pantheistic, panentheistic or atman? Is the God thus described something you reject? Sam Spade 04:44, 26 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- I happen to be a Theravadin, so this matter of Arahantship is something I needed to develop an opinion about. I wonder if there is indeed such a thing as a Prathyekabuddha (sp?) or if the concept is just a teaching tool to emphasize correct motivation. I have some trouble with your definitions of truth (and related concepts such as science, god and to a degree religion) probably because I adopt Popper's epistemological criterium - IMO "science" is a word that has been overused to the point of nearly lacking its meaning and becoming a word for complimenting whatever models we want to favor, and Popper is a step into fixing that. As a consequence I don't see any particular need (or possibility) of keeping religion and science close together. Then again my definitions are different enough from yours that we probably don't really disagree all that much on this matter. Had I been raised in a culture that encouraged me to appreciate the poetic beauty of the Sanatana Dharma practice I might well have trouble adopting the worldly definitions of "religion", "truth" and "science" that are now so natural to me. I can't quite say that I find panentheism wrong, but I find that it demands an aditional level of belief that is not really required for finding the artistic and moral inspiration that I need - but that is obviously a matter of personal compatibility, not of literal and absolute truth. It just happens that I find the idea of an existence with no clear answers, no higher plan and no further (beyond-death) existence appealing and inspiring - in Sanatana Dharmi terms I guess that would make me more of a Shiva devotee than a Vishnu one. Existence is all the more joyful because any major failing I may develop will in time be mercifully forgotten by the gentle action of Yama (or its scientific equivalent oblivion anyway). Some people find the though of "just living once" troubling, but I will rather note that I don't remember doing anything to earn een that once. Luis Dantas 08:07, 26 Mar 2004 (UTC)
I think this article could use being written, and it would seem to encapsule our differences of theological goals. I am quite far removed from buddhism in that I find the goal of disintegration, nothingness, oblivion etc... infinitely horrible. It would seem the absolute worst thing possible {in christianity it is the ultimate final punishment for those who are wicked, in an intriguing inversion of the buddhist view). I find it interesting and uplifting that our belief systems are so compatable, and yet have such opposite goals and focuses. Anyhow if you don't write this article on Parinirvana I will, or I'll help you, or whatever. Cheers, Sam Spade 04:40, 28 Mar 2004 (UTC)
paranibbana 78
paranirvana 1,930
parinibbana 3,630
parinirvana 6,620
These are alternate spellings, and number of google hits. Sam Spade 05:21, 28 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- Thanks for the invitation, I will try and see to it. Just let me clarify a point - despite common misunderstandings, Buddhist doctrine is not really niilistic. Our belief is that the self does not need to be disintegrated, because it is already an unstable patchwork in all but appearance. We aim instead to be conscious of that lack of true cohesiveness and to be at peace with the inherent impermanence. Just today I came to wonder if in actual practice there is much difference between a belief in an impermanent Anatta (non-self) and belief in a transcendent Atman that is however bound to manifest in mortal vessels that are subject to so many mortal limitations and weaknesses. The bottom line is that both models end up describing less-than-perfect realities that nonetheless must not blind us to the bliss that is in fact within eventual reach. No big surprise here - we all live in the same world and are subject to broadly similar circunstances after all. And yes, I do find this convergence uplifting and interesting as well! :) Luis Dantas 07:50, 28 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Article Licensing
[edit]Hi, I've started a drive to get users to multi-license all of their contributions that they've made to either (1) all U.S. state, county, and city articles or (2) all articles, using the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (CC-by-sa) v1.0 and v2.0 Licenses or into the public domain if they prefer. The CC-by-sa license is a true free documentation license that is similar to Wikipedia's license, the GFDL, but it allows other projects, such as WikiTravel, to use our articles. Since you are among the top 2000 Wikipedians by edits, I was wondering if you would be willing to multi-license all of your contributions or at minimum those on the geographic articles. Over 90% of people asked have agreed. For More Information:
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[edit]Nice catch.--Jondel 00:18, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Paradise Island Defenses?
[edit]You said that Paradise Island is COSTANTLY under attack in th WW series. Due to the state of war going on, the effects of war, I've also stated that the weird and bizarre forces that is in the Bermuda Triangle could nearly kill a innocent person. If this person ends up on the island, then these women, shaken by war and it's effects, could kill this innocent person w/ out knowing if this person is a innocent. I have a book that is about the Bermuda Triangle, I am also a "military brat"(had close kin in the military). What sort of Defenses have DC Comics envisioned for Paradise Island ? If this person survives the the deadly forces found in the Bermuda Triangle, will these women allow this person to die/kill him or her ?Martial Law 05:03, 14 November 2005 (UTC)
Featured article for December 25th
[edit]I noticed you have listed yourself in Category:Atheist Wikipedians. That said, you will probably be interested in my suggested featured article for December 25th: Omnipotence paradox. The other suggestion being supported by others for that date is Christmas, although Raul654 has historically been against featuring articles on the same day as their anniversary/holiday. — BRIAN0918 • 2005-11-28 08:25
New Character
[edit]The reason for all of those questions is that I'm working on a character that is as far beyond metahumans/metahumanoids as they are beyond humans/humanoids. Here's one hint to it powerful nature, it will have "Nuclear Force Punch/Attack". When used, it looks like,feels like, and it IS like a nuke that is detonating, only there is no radiation left behind. See the Articles:Nagasaki and Nuclear Weapons to get a idea of what this power is about. Warrior:yes. Evil: No.Good:No. Just hope its "friendly". Sex: None, it is'nt female,nor male. Psionic shield is of a nature so that IF attacked, the shield only gets stronger,not weaker.Martial Law 01:55, 1 December 2005 (UTC)
Wait until DC Comics gets it.Martial Law 01:57, 1 December 2005 (UTC)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
[edit]Hi Luis, I'm a too-lazy-to-sign up user who heavily edits the Avatar articles. Thanks for the info on it airing in Brazil. I toddled over to Nick Brasil's website to look for the Brazilian premiere date and times. Do they look right to you? Also, would you mind adding in Avatar's Portugese name if you know it? Thanks! -- 04:23, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Obligate Runscape Question
[edit]hi luis, how do you make ogre longs Obligate thx man
Please be careful with people's quotes
[edit]Joe Sinnott did NOT say "Stan Lee" in the quote you changed. He said "Stan". The bracketed "[Lee]" is standard punctuation to indicate additional needed information while not changing the quote. I know a lot of non-journalists or non-native-English speakers might not have know that, so thank you for understanding why I write. -- Tenebrae 20:38, 3 April 2006 (UTC)
Harvey Bullock
[edit]In the future, please discuss before moving a page. CovenantD 07:27, 1 May 2006 (UTC)
Since you were so diligent about getting all of the "What links here" connections, none really. I'm just so used to seeing a sloppy job done. Thanks for putting so much effort into it. CovenantD 19:44, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
Terracotta (color)
[edit]Hi, I thought you may like to know. I have redirected the article Terracotta (color), that was split off from Terra cotta back to Terra cotta and reveted the changes to Terra cotta. Please see Talk:Terra cotta for reasons and links to the associated AfD's.--blue520 17:24, 7 May 2006 (UTC)
Greetings on the occasion of Buddha Purnima. --Bhadani 15:43, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

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Comments on Talk:Marriage
[edit]I moved your comments here. Nkras 18:36, 31 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit]Hi.. you added some comments to Coelho's talk page. I still am not sure about your stance towards him. What do you think about him and what are your sources? Pictureuploader 09:37, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
re: e-mail
[edit]Done. The block was from over a year ago, presumably has been re-assigned. —freak(talk) 02:26, May. 16, 2007 (UTC)
Notability of Girl Friday (band)
[edit]A tag has been placed on Girl Friday (band), requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done because the article appears to be about a person, group of people, band, club, company, or web content, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is notable: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, articles that do not assert the subject's importance or significance may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable.
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[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:Mallory Book 01.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot 07:39, 1 October 2007 (UTC)
Wikipedia:User categories for discussion on -isms
[edit]Hi. A user category that you are in has been proposed for deletion at Wikipedia:User categories for discussion. You are welcome to comment. Cheers! bd2412 T 02:16, 21 October 2007 (UTC)
Disputed fair use rationale for Image:RT-Z9 She-Hulk 01.jpg
[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:RT-Z9 She-Hulk 01.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot 17:02, 24 October 2007 (UTC)
Disputed fair use rationale for Image:Ditto She-Hulk v1 n4.jpg
[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:Ditto She-Hulk v1 n4.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot 02:31, 26 October 2007 (UTC)
Disputed fair use rationale for Image:Augustus Pugliese 01.jpg
[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:Augustus Pugliese 01.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot 03:25, 27 October 2007 (UTC)
Disputed fair use rationale for Image:Arthur Zix 01.jpg
[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:Arthur Zix 01.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot 22:29, 29 October 2007 (UTC)
Disputed fair use rationale for Image:Holden Holliway 01.jpg
[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:Holden Holliway 01.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot 11:15, 7 November 2007 (UTC)
Disputed fair use rationale for Image:Whiz Kid She-Hulk 01.jpg
[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:Whiz Kid She-Hulk 01.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot (talk) 05:06, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
Disputed fair use rationale for Image:Stu Cicero 01.jpg
[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:Stu Cicero 01.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot (talk) 05:26, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
Duras sisters
A proposed deletion template has been added to the article Duras sisters, suggesting that it be deleted according to the proposed deletion process. All contributions are appreciated, but this article may not satisfy Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and the deletion notice should explain why (see also "What Wikipedia is not" and Wikipedia's deletion policy). You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{dated prod}}
notice, but please explain why you disagree with the proposed deletion in your edit summary or on its talk page. Also, please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Even though removing the deletion notice will prevent deletion through the proposed deletion process, the article may still be deleted if it matches any of the speedy deletion criteria or it can be sent to Articles for Deletion, where it may be deleted if consensus to delete is reached. If you agree with the deletion of the article, and you are the only person who has made substantial edits to the page, please add {{db-author}} to the top of Duras sisters. Ejfetters 08:05, 1 December 2007 (UTC)

Another editor has added the "{{prod}}" template to the article Dragonrider (comics), suggesting that it be deleted according to the proposed deletion process. All contributions are appreciated, but the editor doesn't believe it satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and has explained why in the article (see also Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not and Wikipedia:Notability). Please either work to improve the article if the topic is worthy of inclusion in Wikipedia or discuss the relevant issues at its talk page. If you remove the {{prod}} template, the article will not be deleted, but note that it may still be sent to Wikipedia:Articles for deletion, where it may be deleted if consensus to delete is reached. BJBot (talk) 07:29, 25 January 2008 (UTC)

Another editor has added the "{{prod}}
" template to the article Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H7, suggesting that it be deleted according to the proposed deletion process. All contributions are appreciated, but the editor doesn't believe it satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and has explained why in the article (see also Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not and Wikipedia:Notability). Please either work to improve the article if the topic is worthy of inclusion in Wikipedia or discuss the relevant issues at its talk page. If you remove the {{prod}}
template, the article will not be deleted, but note that it may still be sent to Wikipedia:Articles for deletion, where it may be deleted if consensus to delete is reached. BJBot (talk) 17:02, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
February 2008
[edit] Please remember to mark your edits, such as your recent edits to List of Bleach characters, as minor if (and only if) they genuinely are minor edits (see Help:Minor edit). Marking a major change as a minor one is considered poor etiquette. The rule of thumb is that only an edit that consists solely of spelling corrections, formatting changes, or rearranging of text without modifying content should be flagged as a 'minor edit.' Thank you. Almost all of your edits have been marked as minor recently, however this is being done incorrectly. Adding, removing, or changing content in an article is generally not a minor edit. Adding a source is also not a minor edit. The only time the minor edit should be used when working with articles is for a spelling fix, tagging, fixing layout errors, etc. Collectonian (talk) 19:09, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
Disputed fair use rationale for Image:DefendersImposters1.png
[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:DefendersImposters1.png. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it may be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot (talk) 13:03, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
A proposed deletion template has been added to the article Gakusanjin, suggesting that it be deleted according to the proposed deletion process. All contributions are appreciated, but this article may not satisfy Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and the deletion notice should explain why (see also "What Wikipedia is not" and Wikipedia's deletion policy). You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{dated prod}}
notice, but please explain why you disagree with the proposed deletion in your edit summary or on its talk page.
Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised because even though removing the deletion notice will prevent deletion through the proposed deletion process, the article may still be deleted if it matches any of the speedy deletion criteria or it can be sent to Articles for Deletion, where it may be deleted if consensus to delete is reached. Do you want to opt out of receiving this notice? Collectonian (talk) 02:21, 21 April 2008 (UTC)
AfD nomination of Gakusanjin
[edit]I have nominated Gakusanjin, an article you created, for deletion. I do not feel that this article satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and have explained why at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Gakusanjin. Your opinions on the matter are welcome at that same discussion page; also, you are welcome to edit the article to address these concerns. Thank you for your time. Do you want to opt out of receiving this notice? Collectonian (talk) 02:32, 21 April 2008 (UTC)
AfD nomination of Fuyōheki
I have nominated Fuyōheki, an article you created, for deletion. I do not think that this article satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and have explained why at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Fuyōheki. Your opinions on the matter are welcome at that same discussion page; also, you are welcome to edit the article to address these concerns. Thank you for your time. -- Collectonian (talk · contribs) 17:48, 23 September 2008 (UTC)
Bhairab Naach
[edit]Thanks for adding Bhairab nach to Template Newar.--Eukesh (talk) 05:04, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
Orphaned non-free media (Image:Gantz Kato Kurono.jpg)
[edit] Thanks for uploading Image:Gantz Kato Kurono.jpg. The media description page currently specifies that it is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, it is currently orphaned, meaning that it is not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the media was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that media for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).
If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that all non-free media not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. BJBot (talk) 06:05, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
Orphaned non-free media (Image:Gantz gathering chapter 029.jpg)
[edit] Thanks for uploading Image:Gantz gathering chapter 029.jpg. The media description page currently specifies that it is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, it is currently orphaned, meaning that it is not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the media was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that media for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).
If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that all non-free media not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. BJBot (talk) 06:46, 11 December 2008 (UTC)
Disputed non-free use rationale for File:SergioMendesOlympia1.jpg
[edit]Thank you for uploading File:SergioMendesOlympia1.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale provided for using this file on Wikipedia may not meet the criteria required by Wikipedia:Non-free content. This can be corrected by going to the file description page and adding or clarifying the reason why the file qualifies under this policy. Adding and completing one of the templates available from Wikipedia:Non-free use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your file is in compliance with Wikipedia policy. Please be aware that a non-free use rationale is not the same as an image copyright tag; descriptions for files used under the non-free content policy require both a copyright tag and a non-free use rationale.
If it is determined that the file does not qualify under the non-free content policy, it might be deleted by an administrator within a few days in accordance with our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions, please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you. Stifle (talk) 21:28, 3 May 2009 (UTC)
You are invited to join WikiProject TRANSWIKI and join the sub language project of your choice. The aim is to draw up a full directory of missing articles from other wikipedias by language and build a team of translators to work at bridging the gaps in knowledge between other wikipedias. Dr. Blofeld White cat 17:21, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

A user has requested discussion about whether the article P7S is within Wikipedia's criteria for articles or whether it should be deleted. You are being notified since you created or contributed to this topic.
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/P7S until a consensus is reached, and you are welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the criteria which are of concern. The discussion focuses on good quality evidence, and our policies and guidelines. You are encouraged to add useful evidence as well.
While contributions are welcome, an article may be deleted if it is inconsistent with Wikipedia policies and guidelines for inclusion, explained in the deletion policy. You may edit the article during the discussion, including improvements to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, you must not remove the article-for-deletion template from the top of the article. ηoian ‡orever ηew ‡rontiers 07:28, 10 December 2010 (UTC)
Nomination of Third Summers brother for deletion
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Third Summers brother is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Third Summers brother until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on good quality evidence, and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion template from the top of the article. --Crazy runner (talk) 11:41, 3 May 2011 (UTC)

The article Goldface has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
- The fictional character does not meet the general notability guideline and, without reception and significance in reliable secondary sources independent of the subject, the topic of the article is not suitable for Wikipedia as a stand-alone article since it falls into WP:IINFO.
While all contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Jfgslo (talk) 02:20, 9 October 2011 (UTC)

The article Purple Ray has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
- The fictional device does not meet the general notability guideline and, without reception and significance in reliable secondary sources indepedent of the subject, the topic of the article is not suitable for Wikipedia as a stand-alone article since it falls into WP:IINFO.
While all contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Jfgslo (talk) 04:37, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
Template:New Religious Movements, Cults, and Sects has been nominated for deletion. You are invited to comment on the discussion at the template's entry on the Templates for discussion page. Grrahnbahr (talk) 23:20, 17 March 2012 (UTC)
Non-free image rationale
[edit]Hi. I saw the recent article you wrote for Wikipedia, Legion Quest, and noticed the image you used did not have a non-free use rationale for inclusion in the second article. According to WP:NFCC 10c, we must include rationales for each article that a non-free image is used in. I went ahead and added the rationale to this particular image, but in the future please be sure to add the rationales yourself so they don't get overlooked. Thank you for writing the article, and I look forward to watching it improve. --Odie5533 (talk) 22:38, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
Disambiguation link notification for April 26
[edit]Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Li'l Jinx, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Terry Austin (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 13:13, 26 April 2013 (UTC)
Nomination of Office of National Emergency for deletion
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Office of National Emergency is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Office of National Emergency until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. TTN (talk) 16:26, 4 November 2013 (UTC)
February 2014
[edit] Hello, I'm BracketBot. I have automatically detected that your edit to Isabel, Princess Imperial of Brazil may have broken the syntax by modifying 2 "[]"s. If you have, don't worry: just edit the page again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on my operator's talk page.
- List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page:
- the age of seven.{{sfn|Barman|2002|p=35}} After a long search, Pedro II chose the Brazilian-born [[[[Luísa de Barros, Countess of Barral|Luísa Margarida Portugal de Barros]], the Countess of Barral,
Thanks, BracketBot (talk) 18:19, 10 February 2014 (UTC)
Orphaned non-free image File:DefendersImposters1.png
Thanks for uploading File:DefendersImposters1.png. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).
Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described in the criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. Stefan2 (talk) 00:22, 19 March 2015 (UTC)
WikiProject Intertranswiki
[edit]Hi. In 2009 you joined up for the wikiproject Wikipedia:WikiProject Intertranswiki. The project has since ceased activity but is currently being given a kick start due to its importance and the coordination needed to translate content from other wikipedias. If you're still active and are still interested please visit the bottom of Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Intertranswiki and add a {{tick}} by your name within the next week so the project can do a recount and update. Thank you. --Ser Amantio di NicolaoChe dicono a Signa?Lo dicono a Signa. 05:21, 29 April 2015 (UTC)
Disambiguation link notification for August 3
[edit]Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Holocaust Museum in Curitiba, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Paraná. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.
It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 09:53, 3 August 2015 (UTC)
You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:13, 30 November 2015 (UTC)
ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!
[edit]Hello, Luis Dantas. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page.
ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!
[edit]Hello, Luis Dantas. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC)
ArbCom 2017 election voter message
[edit]Hello, Luis Dantas. Voting in the 2017 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC)
Speedy deletion nomination of Mosques in Brazil
If this is the first article that you have created, you may want to read the guide to writing your first article.
You may want to consider using the Article Wizard to help you create articles.
Hello, and welcome to Wikipedia. This is a notice to inform you that a tag has been placed on Mosques in Brazil requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A3 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because it is an article with no content whatsoever, or whose contents consist only of external links, a "See also" section, book references, category tags, template tags, interwiki links, images, a rephrasing of the title, a question that should have been asked at the help or reference desks, or an attempt to contact the subject of the article. Please see Wikipedia:Stub for our minimum information standards for short articles. Also please note that articles must be on notable subjects and should provide references to reliable sources that verify their content.
If you think this page should not be deleted for this reason, you may contest the nomination by visiting the page and clicking the button labelled "Contest this speedy deletion". This will give you the opportunity to explain why you believe the page should not be deleted. However, be aware that once a page is tagged for speedy deletion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. If the page is deleted, and you wish to retrieve the deleted material for future reference or improvement, then please contact the deleting administrator, or if you have already done so, you can place a request here. ... discospinster talk 20:41, 15 February 2018 (UTC)
Nomination of Pandemic (comics) for deletion
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Pandemic (comics) is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Pandemic (comics) until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. Namenamenamenamename (talk) 01:39, 6 September 2018 (UTC)
ArbCom 2018 election voter message
[edit]Hello, Luis Dantas. Voting in the 2018 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC)

The article Schizoid Man (comics) has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Fails WP:GNG.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. TTN (talk) 21:30, 2 December 2019 (UTC)

The article Spook (comics) has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Fails WP:GNG.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. TTN (talk) 01:15, 7 December 2019 (UTC)

The article Force of July has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Fails WP:GNG.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. TTN (talk) 04:26, 8 December 2019 (UTC)

The article Her Highness and Silk has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Fails WP:GNG.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 13:47, 9 December 2019 (UTC)
Nomination of Fathom Five (comics) for deletion
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Fathom Five (comics) is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Fathom Five (comics) until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. TTN (talk) 14:04, 10 December 2019 (UTC)

The article Purple Ray has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Fails WP:GNG.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. TTN (talk) 00:02, 17 December 2019 (UTC)

The article Godwheel has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Fails WP:GNG.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. TTN (talk) 01:15, 18 December 2019 (UTC)

The article You're Bluffing has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
No evidence this game is notable.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 22:04, 27 January 2020 (UTC)

The article Willow (Dreadstar) has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Fails WP:GNG.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. TTN (talk) 14:28, 10 March 2020 (UTC)

The article Darkforce has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
he coverage (references, external links, etc.) does not seem sufficient to justify this article passing Wikipedia:General notability guideline and the more detailed Wikipedia:Notability (fiction) requirement. WP:BEFORE did not reveal any significant coverage on Gnews, Gbooks or Gscholar. If you disagree and deprod this, please explain how it meets them on the talk page here in the form of "This article meets criteria A and B because..." and ping me back through WP:ECHO or by leaving a note at User talk:Piotrus. Thank you.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 01:58, 11 September 2020 (UTC)

The article Goldface has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
The coverage (references, external links, etc.) does not seem sufficient to justify this article passing Wikipedia:General notability guideline and the more detailed Wikipedia:Notability (fiction) requirement. WP:BEFORE did not reveal any significant coverage on Gnews, Gbooks or Gscholar. If you disagree and deprod this, please explain how it meets them on the talk page here in the form of "This article meets criteria A and B because..." and ping me back through WP:ECHO or by leaving a note at User talk:Piotrus. Thank you.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 08:55, 6 October 2020 (UTC)

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Goldface is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Goldface until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 12:28, 9 October 2020 (UTC)
Nomination of Wildstorm Universe for deletion
A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Wildstorm Universe is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Wildstorm Universe until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. TTN (talk) 20:23, 29 October 2020 (UTC)

The article Counter-Earth (comics) has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
Fails WP:GNG.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. TTN (talk) 17:53, 8 January 2021 (UTC)

The article Professor Carter Nichols has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
The coverage (references, external links, etc.) does not seem sufficient to justify this article passing Wikipedia:General notability guideline requirement nor the more detailed Wikipedia:Notability (fiction) supplementary essay. WP:BEFORE did not reveal any significant coverage on Gnews, Gbooks or Gscholar. If you disagree and deprod this, please explain how it meets them on the talk page here in the form of "This article meets criteria A and B because..." and ping me back through WP:ECHO or by leaving a note at User talk:Piotrus. Thank you.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 05:35, 14 June 2021 (UTC)
Nomination of Professor Carter Nichols for deletion
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Professor Carter Nichols until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.
Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 05:06, 15 June 2021 (UTC)

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Darkforce until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.
Jontesta (talk) 16:10, 30 May 2022 (UTC)
Nomination of Paul Gambi for deletion
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Paul Gambi until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article until the discussion has finished.
–MJL ‐Talk‐☖ 21:16, 23 August 2022 (UTC)

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Darkforce (2nd nomination) until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article until the discussion has finished.
Dronebogus (talk) 13:06, 20 February 2023 (UTC)

The article Laurel Kent has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
The coverage (references, external links, etc.) does not seem sufficient to justify this article passing Wikipedia:General notability guideline requirement nor the more detailed Wikipedia:Notability (fiction) supplementary essay. WP:BEFORE did not reveal any significant coverage on Gnews, Gbooks or Gscholar. If you disagree and deprod this, please explain how it meets them on the talk page here in the form of "This article meets criteria A and B because..." and ping me back through WP:ECHO or by leaving a note at User talk:Piotrus. Thank you.
While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, pages may be deleted for any of several reasons.
You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}}
notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.
Please consider improving the page to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}}
will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 16:30, 20 April 2023 (UTC)
Good article reassessment for Valérian and Laureline
[edit]Valérian and Laureline has been nominated for a good article reassessment. If you are interested in the discussion, please participate by adding your comments to the reassessment page. If concerns are not addressed during the review period, the good article status may be removed from the article. Z1720 (talk) 02:52, 6 November 2023 (UTC)
Nomination of Cross Technological Enterprises for deletion
The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Cross Technological Enterprises until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.
Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article until the discussion has finished.Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 11:18, 22 February 2025 (UTC)